Tuesday 23 August 2016

Chickens and the garden.

Just back from five weeks away and looking at the chickens and the garden. 
It's hard to remember exactly what I planted. I know I had a few small onion shoots but I can't find them in the weeds. It's highly likely they are not there anymore. 
I found a cucumber out there!

Sunday 22 May 2016

Muralling May

There is a project in the city to have artists team up with youth and create murals together. 
E applied for this opportunity several months ago and got to be one of the lucky youth painters. 
Her group is three girls plus the artist, Christine. They designed the plan for the mural together and have been working on it now for three or four sessions. 
It's really coming along. It is on the container that lives on Kings Rd at the south end of the park there. 
E spent five hours today painting. Fun for me to see it progress. 

Sunday 24 April 2016

Skiing January 2016


Elementary school art January 2016

I love boards full of elementary school art. 
Every kids take on the same subject is a little different. 


September 2015

T made a cake by himself. 


We went to the Cowichan Exhibition. 

The kids got to do some remote control car racing. 

Lice April 2016

So at 10:00 at night I discovered I had lice. I was reading to my son in his bed and I sctatched my head and found a small insect. I thought it might be a flea or something off a tree in our yard, because I had just come in from the garden right before reading to him. My husband took it from me to check if it was flea and he took a picture of it and discovered it was a louse. Seeing as it was so late and really not wanting to just go to bed now that I knew I had lice, I decided to just shave my head. I left a little tuft of hair at the front to make it seem more like a style. 
The next day I went to the grocery store in my friends neighbourhood and I feel like maybe I was getting some different reactions from people because of my kind of aggressive butch hair. One old woman was curt when I cheerfully said I could take her grocery cart instead of her puting it back in the line. She said something like "fine" in a pretty grumpy way. And then in the checkout line I had a conversation with a man that was smiley and really friendly bordering on flirty. He was around my age, probably somewhat younger than me and had a totally bald head. 
It will be interesting to notice if strangers treat me differently than I think they would have. I'm still the same me, I just have different hair. 


Thursday 14 January 2016

Post Long Beach, Editing, Nana's

This how the deck looks when you get back from camping where it rained like stink for two to three days straight. 

Everything has to dry out before you can put it away. 
Last bits of editing Whotrek. 
So exciting to get it finished. 

E went out in the back yard. Hanging laundry I believe. There is, of course, a uniform for that. 
T got a hamster because we said he could sometime after he was seven. 
The hamster, Chewbacca, did not like this tunnel. So overnight he jammed it full of shavings!

We hung out on Nana's patio and got a little music going. That was fun. 

Video drumming at Nana's